Waste Management


    Attitude of throwing away waste has created its pile up. These pileup's run risk of competing with sky scrapers. 

Above statement is a exaggeration for now but can become reality if not handled with care.

Lets try to understand major type of urban waste generated in most of the households

This classification and grouping is important as then we can address them together. 

For e.g.

1. Recyclables: They can be segregated and sold to scrap dealers. Which intern would be re-cycled also will generate some revenue. Medical solid waste has to be handled by experts so has to be sent to Medical waste treatment plants. Clothes can be either donated to NGO's or needy individuals. 

2. Organic waste: House hold organic waste can can decomposed into manure. With improvement of Farming related processes there are many ways in which organic waste can be converted to manure.

One of the popular method is Vermicomposting. This process is natural process with artificial setup. 

This manure can then be used in our gardens and if there is excess then it can be spread over green patch. This would provide extra dose of minerals needed by plant for its successful growth. It would also improve its quality of product. 

Currently experimenting with the process for decomposing kitchen waste. Would be elaborating more on it in my upcoming post. 

Stay tuned. 

Till then Good Bye !! And keep creating Khayalipulav


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