What Better can Corporators do for their locality ??

    As discussed in my earlier post corporators have certain listed responsibilities to be carried out in their 5 years tenure. For most of their work they are supported by local Municipal corporation. So for these task they just have to direct authorities towards issues and get it resolved. This leaves them with ample energy and time which can directed towards other areas of improvement. 

In this post we will try to explore one additional areas apart form his basic work where a corporator can work on.

When we talk of development my focus would be to work it out in hierarchical fashion. Each work should act a building block for higher development. In corporate terms a project with mix waterfall model and  agile methodologies. 

Waterfall model can focus on building and strengthening foundations whereas agile can be used for continuous improvement on varied fronts. ( These are ones I am aware about but there may be even efficient way to achieve it )

Basic needs of people can be defined in 3 Indian words  ( Roti + Kapda + Makan ) and they all can be satisfied if person have regular source of income. 

Govt Facilities: Readers may say govt. world over are trying to solve this issue and its no easy task. So what can corporator do ?  And its correct but these are one's closer to people then many govt authorities. It may be difficult for them to implement any big policy or scheme but they may be very helpful in making one available to local's which already exists but not many are aware. They can provide means and support to getting govt facilities available with least effort.  

Management Support:  Corporator is best aware of demography of his constituency and also about different trades and business being worked on. He may study or get get help from experts to plan more efficient way of running these businesses which should reduce operational costs. Also if they have certain specialties then making market available for their consumption. It may work other way round too, that means if there is a market then probably try to create business in their locality to fulfil demand this in turn will help in providing jobs to locals. 

Roti: Some time even after all efforts certain circumstances leads to loss of all sources of income. During these times major concern is feeding themselves and their family. Govt. during recent times have launched various schemes to make food available to needy at affordable prices. Least corporator can do here is to make this facility made available in their constituency. Even though this is like other govt facilities but ought to be separately mentioned as its main ingredient for survival. 

I know there can be many such basic works to act as foundation but ones mentioned are placed higher in ladder. 

We will try to explore other opportunities for corporators with readers community in next post. 

Till then good bye and best of luck !!


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